Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox

I just finished this book and it was GREAT! It was definitely sad, but I didn't sob or anything while I was reading; it definitely gives you a heavy heart though. I would recommend the book to anyone who wants to snuggle up on the couch and read a great book.
This is the story of Esme Lennox's life. It travels back and forth between the present and Esme's childhood. Once you get to know all of the characters it is a lot easier to follow. The book is full of twists and turns that are not the norm in most books.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Books to Read

1.The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox-Maggie O'Farrell DONE
2.Pride and Prejudice- Jane Austen
3.Lady Susan- Jane Austen
4.Sense and Sensibility- Jane Austen
5.Northanger Abby- Jane Austen
6.Mansfield Park- Jane Austen
7.Emma- Jane Austen
8.Persuasion- Jane Austen
9.Wuthering Heights- Emily Bronte
10.Agnes Grey- Ann Bronte
11.Daughter's Keeper- Ayelet Waldman
12.The Feminine Mystique- Betty Friedan
13.The Heiress of Water- Sandra Rodriguez Barron
14. The Lovely Bones- Alice Sebold
15.The Thirteenth Tale- Diane Setterfield
16.The Gargoyle- Andrew Davidson
17.The Host- Stephenie Myer DONE
18.Me Talk Pretty One Day- David Sedaris
19.Eat Pray Love- Elizabeth Gilbert
20.Fools Die- Mario Puzo